Monday, June 18, 2012

hello there!

hello, my name is kevin lin and i play the ocarina, hooray
like many people the ocarina was first introduced in a video game called "the legend of zelda: ocarina of time"
but the ocarina predates link and zelda
A brief history
The ceramic Ocarina is probably more than 12000 years old. Ancient examples have been cited -small whistles shaped like birds or other animals and made of terracotta are known in India for 6,000 years. China has a very long history of music- songs and dance had already appeared as early as five thousand years ago.
i will basically post stuff about playing techniques, tutorials, tabs(for ocarina), reviews(whenever i get new one), whenever new ocarinas are released,  and songs.
best websites to buy ocarinas
Songbird Ocarinas
STL Ocarina
hope you will find this useful

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