Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July - Why I'm missing

"hey everyone sorry i can't be here right now, i'm in Canada now. i had my friend(s) post this on to the blog, thanks you guys. they both have blogs so here are the links to them!
thank you Pete and/or kitty for posting this, hope you all have a safe and wonderful 4th of  July!!! ^^ " - Kevin Lin

Hey everyone! I'm Kittykat, but my real name is Katherine. I'm a close friend of Kevin and he wanted me to post this on his blog since he isn't here. Pete the Panda is another friend of ours (Kevin and I) and he was suppose to post if I didn't get a chance to... I hope you guys are going to have a great 4th of July! I think most people are excited about the fireworks, but in my neighborhood they are already exploding everywhere. I think it's fun that I'm on Kevin's blog. Anyway, check out my blog and Happy 4th of July!
Ps. I don't think the video is working, and I have no idea how he does the color for his I apologize.. 

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